[Civsoc-mw] On the Petition Against the Gandhi Statue | Afrika Aphukira

Steve Sharra stevesharra at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 00:58:29 CAT 2018

On the Petition Against the Gandhi Statue: Why Malawi Needs More Such
Youth Activism


In a rather unusual move, on Thursday 11th October the Malawi
Government responded to an online petition that has now attracted more
than 3,400 signatures in a campaign to stop the erection of a Gandhi
statue in Malawi’s commercial capital, Blantyre. The move was unusual
because the only time the Malawi Government is moved to respond to
anything is when people threaten to demonstrate on the streets. This
time, it was a mere petition, online, and the government issued a

In a country known for what many consider to be docility and apathy
especially on matters political, the kind of activism demonstrated by
the young Malawians who have initiated the petition against the Gandhi
statue is a burst of fresh air. If more young Malawians participated
in this manner in issues affecting the country, perhaps the government
and other responsible bodies and service providers would think twice
before ignoring issues the way they are always perceived as.

full: https://mlauzi.blogspot.com/2018/10/on-petition-against-gandhi-statue-why.html

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