[Civsoc-mw] [NYASANET] Did You Know?

Tony Thontholani tonytontho at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 24 22:22:04 CAT 2017

My primary school teacher - Mr Nkumba, a braggart to the bone - defined Science as "finding out". 

Sometimes, he would take us to the woodlot just to "find out". 

Looking back, I think I understand his motive. He was merely encouraging a culture of curiosity in our minds.

Anyway. The way we cook nsima is wasteful. Our nsima produces nkhoko, which we throw away after having soaked the pot in water. Nkhoko is potential nsima. Nkhoko is food. 

Cooking nsima in a microwave produces no nkhoko. I experimented that yesterday. And I saved food. 

We, or say, people who have lived in Mulanje-Phalombe-Thyolo-Chiradzulo tend to look down on nkute. Eating nkute, especially in the morning, is regarded as uncouth. I think nkute is so tasteless because it is so cold and stale. A microwave can heat that nkute; and make it "great again" 😀. 

> On 24. Apr 2017, at 19:52, Stanley Nazombe <stanley.nazombe at VERIZON.NET> wrote:
> As soon as they legalized marijuana in Malawi, I knew strange things would be happening.

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